目前分類:Randomness (8)

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I know, I know, it's been A WHILE since I posted my last entry

(honey:why does this sound so familiar???

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Gwyneth Paltrow & Babyface

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I heard these phrases from people around me, so...just feel like sharing them ^^

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This happened when I was taking a break during work yesterday.

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Last night, I was supposed to have dinner with a friend, but the friend bailed out on me, so I went out and watched a movie by myself.

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For those of you who's reading this, please don't try what I tried last night, PLEASE

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As I listen to Super Junior's songs, I decided to dedicate a blog entry to them (I'm sure there will PLENTY more in the future ^^).

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well, like the title said, this is my first ever blog, and what you're reading right now is my first ever blog entry~~
I don't really know how long this blog is going to last, but i'll try my best ^^

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